30 Most Anticipated Website Design Trends For 2023…Part I

“A successful website does three things: It attracts the right kinds of visitors. Guides them on the main services/product you offer. Collect contact details for future ongoing relations.”


Here is our website design trend list for the coming year 2023. These are some of the design trends that are anticipated to be in demand in the coming year. A website has some foundational and key factors/aspects to it which are indispensable. Such as being user-friendly, quick loading speed, great navigation, and data security.

However, you can have innovative website features and elements to the site which will enhance your overall website presence and contribute to the user experience. Without further ado, let’s get into it. This is going to be a three part blog series, so stay tuned to it!

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Latest Web Design Trends That Will Be In Demand In 2023:

1. Parallax Scrolling & Web Design Trend:

Parallax scrolling is a faux-3D technique that can be used to create an optical illusion effect. This design trend makes sure that the user gets relevant information just by scrolling while staying invested in the site.

One great benefit of this design tactic is to connect better with your audience, for this effect can be used in storytelling and communicating clearly with your target consumer. A dynamic user experience leads to improved user engagement.

Using this effect you can boost your site engagement and reduce the bounce rate. You can make the best use of this effect when combining it with full-width applications that have video, texture imagery, and images that will give you more latitude to add depth to a page.

2. Website Load Time & Page Speed:

Your site speed will influence your website performance and that will affect the user engagement. Among all the design trends it is also important to meet the ultra-fast site loading speed standard.

Your site speed is important when we talk about UX and site SEO. You cannot expect to perform better with a slow working website.

Successful websites have a loading speed of under two seconds. If it takes more than three seconds for your site to load, it is very likely to increase your site’s bounce rate. A great user experience means a site that loads just like that!

3. Animated Cursors & Web Design Trend:

There are so many subtle and some not so subtle ways that can contribute to improving the user experience on your website. The animated cursor is next on our list of a design trend that you must give attention to.

Your cursor is, of course, an important part of the site and that can be modified and animated to make sure the user has a great time navigating across the website.

You can implement cursor-triggered animations which will display different scrolling behaviors and that will keep users entertained and interested in a website.

4. Smart Content Loading & Web Design Trend:

An up-to-date, market & user relevant website is certainly not a heavy website with a lot of graphical elements and other third party integrations that keep the site slow in performance.

However, you can adapt different tactics that will help in smart content loading (meaning developing a website that downloads only the needed content).

One way to do that is by adopting an infinite scrolling approach. This tactic works best for one website. A lazy loading design tactic will ensure that the site loads content as the user scrolls down the page.

5. Personalized Content & Web Design Trend:

When developing and designing your site, it is best to make sure you offer a personalized experience to your audience when they visit and revisit your site.

Advanced websites that are performing outstanding in today’s day and age do track the browsing history of their user and location.

It helps them to offer their target user dynamic and user relevant content based on the user’s past behavior.

A generic content might not be the right way to engage with the visitor when you have the option to improve user engagement with personalized content.

With your personalized content, you improve the chances of conversion when a user is returning to your site for the second or third time.

For instance, when it comes to e-commerce websites, it is an excellent design tactic to offer personalized content to the buyer, which means displaying saved for later items, recently viewed products, wish-listed items, etc. can improve the user engagement and that contributes to increasing conversion rate for your business.

6. Clean CSS & Web Design Trend:

Professional website designers are likely to prefer the trending CSS grid layout which offers an asymmetric style.

Grid layout is popular among designers for designing layouts for complex responsive sites. This design trend is useful if you are aiming to give your site design a clean and optimized appearance.

7. Integrated CRM & Web Design Trend:

To know more about your website visitors, online lead generation forms are an efficient way to handle all that information. These dynamic contact forms can be shown on the landing pages with relevant fields (if you ask too many questions, visitors might quit the site or page).

As per your lead’s journey and available data, you can adjust what questions and fields to add to the contact form. Fields such as name, email address, company, etc. at the first conversion, and you can add fields such as phone number, company size, etc. during the next conversion.

8. Chatbots & Web Design Trend:

The Chatbots trend is here to stay and it is only going to become more sophisticated and user-friendly with time as we get to advance in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

From personal shopping service to general customer service requests, chatbots are a great addition to your site to make it more user-oriented and user engaging.

9. Voice Activated Interface & Web Design Trend:

Using voice activated search for Google is preferred by many users. This feature can be used in your website as it will be a trending web design for 2023 and the near future.

It is definitely something that not many of the business websites have incorporated into their sites, thus giving you an edge over your competitors.

10. Accessibility & Web Design Trend:

Making your website accessible to a diverse audience (including people with special needs/disabilities) can help your business reach out to a greater audience and build your customer network.

You can enhance your site accessibility by using strong color contrast between background and text and using functional alt tags for images, and videos, which will also boost your SEO.


We are ten down, twenty more to go! This extensive list of web design trends will offer you an array of design trend options to choose from when planning for your website design. If you are refurbishing your website or looking for custom web development and design service then Midas is Just a Call Away! You might want to check out our service section to know more about our leading web development services.