New Age Business & Introduction to Chatbots

When it comes to investing our money even on the most trivial of items we seldom falter to ask “what’s new?” Because, it is in our human instinct to opt for what is latest, state-of-the-art or anything that is in trend. The business arena is no different from all this and therefore today we are picking “chatbots” as the topic of our post.


Business and chatbots:

Although chatbots were already in existence before the year 2000, they’re gaining more popularity in recent times after the technology surpassed the threshold. The very first chatbot was ELIZA which was developed in the year 1966.

Chatbots are computer softwares that have various aliases like chatterbot, bot, interactive agent, talkbot or Artificial Conversational Entity. Businesses are attempting to leverage chatbots to their advantage. As chatbot is yet another way to connect with the clients and customers therefore enterprises do take interest in them for they could improve client connection and that is required for any business that desires to grow.

Chatbots and popularity:

Chatbots will save the customers from the drudgery of downloading new application for new services while saving enterprises from investing time, money and labor in building another application. Companies & enterprises have discerned that they can still connect to their customers and users sans apps or any of these hassles if they switch to bots.

There are billions of users that are active on messaging platforms and therefore businesses are trying to connect to the relevant customers using chatbots. Another reason for the popularity of chatbots is that they are unambiguous, noncomplex and user-friendly.

Investing in chatbots:

Investing in a new technology can support your ongoing business in many ways. Although it makes sense to run a thorough background check, before deciding if this is what you really need for your business to grow. Below are some questions that we would like you to go through first:

• Is client interaction beneficial for your business?

• Do you think updating your customers regularly with fresh content related to your services is imperative?

• Is customer engagement and re-engagement an essential part of your line of business?

• Does using chatbots in your business will improve and boost the sales channel and promote the business to a wider range of customers?

• Are you considering the Millennials as your potential customer-base also are your services targeting them?

If these questions do ring a bell in your ear then it’s absolutely high time to invest in Chatbots for your enterprise. You will have to invest much less in developing chatbots as compared to what you will have to spend on mobile applications or website applications. Technical and software savants are building smart chatbots at nominal price. You must invest in them if you think chatbots can contribute in your business developments and you can reap better results with it. User will find chatbots efficient over web or mobile applications because they don’t have to exhaust data or time for using it.

Expanding your user-base has become a deciding factor when we talk about the online market and chatbots can efficiently attract the relevant traffic. This technology is still evolving and there are immense possibilities in the ways it can contribute to the growth of any business.

We are here to Serve You:

We the team of Midas takes immense interest in the changing technology around us and enjoy sharing the latest updates with our ardent readers. Besides our interesting posts if you are also interested in our services then reach out to us now!!!